2149842967 код ошибки windows 7

This error often occurs when running an update for your computer’s operating system. The most often scenario in which this error occurs is when you are trying to run the update’s installation manually. In other cases, it occurs when trying to check for and install updates on your computer after searching for them automatically.

Windows Update Could not be Installed Because of Error 2149842967

Windows Update Could not be Installed Because of Error 2149842967

The error can be resolved in numerous ways. Some of them are easier to do whereas other yield better results. We highly suggest you follow the instructions we have prepared in the article below and try out each method!

What Causes the “Windows Update Could not be Installed Because of Error 2149842967” Error?

This error means that the update you are trying to install might already be installed or might not be suitable for your computer. This is quite ambiguous as things don’t always have to be like that.

If you are certain you know what you are doing, you can try to ‘forcibly’ install the update manually by downloading it from the Windows Update Catalog. You can also try to solve the problem by downloading the update troubleshooter or by resetting the Windows update components to their defaults.

Solution 1: Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

There is a file available on Microsoft’s official website which contains a Windows update troubleshooter which should get rid of this annoying error message automatically. There are two versions of the file, so make sure you choose the one recommended for your operating system.

Solution 2: Install the Update Manually

If the error appears when Windows automatically checks for and downloads updates, you can always try to install it manually by downloading it from the Windows Update Catalog. It’s a website from which you can download pretty much any update ever released for Windows. Try it and see if it solves your problem.

Solution 3: Reset Windows Update Components

Resetting the Windows Update components to scratch is a lengthy process but it’s widely known as probably the best way to solve most update-related problems. It consists of many somewhat complicated parts which is why we have tried to keep it as well-explained as possible.

Since you are going to edit the registry, we recommend you check out this article in order to safely backup your registry to prevent further problems.

Исправляем ошибку 2149842967 в Windows

Если при установке обновления Windows вы столкнулись с ошибкой с кодом 2149842967, это означает, что такое обновление уже установлено в системе или же установлено более новое обновление, заменяющее то, которое вы пытаетесь установить. Кроме того, данная ошибка появляется, если устанавливаемое обновление не соответствует вашей версии операционной системы, ее редакции или разрядности. Но также ошибка 2149842967 может возникнуть из-за некорректной работы службы Windows Update. В нашей статье мы разберемся, как решить эту проблему.

Используем средство устранения неполадок

Для исправления работы «Центра обновления» с официального сайта Microsoft можно загрузить специальное приложение «Средство устранения неполадок Центра обновления Windows».

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Скачайте «Средство устранения неполадок Центра обновления Windows» для вашей версии ОС

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Дополнительные настройки «Средства устранения неполадок Центра обновления Windows» в Windows 10

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https://appuals. com/fix-windows-update-could-not-be-installed-because-of-error-2149842967/

https://tehnichka. pro/error-2149842967-windows/

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