Начинающие пользователи популярного почтового приложения Outlook Express после создания первой учетной записи нередко жалуются на невозможность скачивания с сервера накопленной корреспонденции.
К примеру, при попытке выполнить данную операцию в ряде случаев пользователь получает неожиданное сообщение о возникновении ошибки 0x800CCC0D, текстовое содержание которого, как правило, не проясняет ситуацию.
Обычно это сообщение имеет следующий вид:
«Не удалось найти узел POP. mail. Проверьте правильность введенного имени сервера. Код ошибки: 0x800CCC0D».
Существует довольно действенный способ устранения данной проблемы:
Для начала открываем пункт меню «Сервис» и переходим в раздел «Учетные записи». Выделяем необходимую учетную запись, нажимаем на кнопку «Свойства» и переходим во вкладку «Серверы». Здесь важно проверить, чтобы для «Входящей почты» (POP3) был указан правильный сервер. После этого, для сохранения всех изменений, последовательно нажимаем на кнопки «Применить» и «OK».
Вышеописанные действия, как правило, позволяют эффективно бороться с возникновением ошибки 0x800CCC0D, после чего Outlook Express начнет успешно скачивать всю почту из вашего аккаунта в папку «Входящие».
Буду описывать здесь процесс выполнения различных работ.
воскресенье, 25 ноября 2012 г.
Ошибка Outlook. Ошибка сокета 11001. Код ошибки 0x800CCC0D.
1. Когда забирал почту с почтового ящика произошла ошибка:
Ошибка Outlook. Ошибка сокета 11001. Код ошибки 0x800CCC0D. |
3. Анализ ошибки сокета: 11001
3.1 . Документ » Коды ошибок TCP/IP» на русском языке описывает эту ошибку следующим образом :
—- Эта ошибка может появиться, если у вас есть опция ‘уведомьте меня, если есть какие-нибудь новые группы новостей’ выбран, но не имеете созданной учетной записи новостей. Зайдите в меню Сервис> Свойства обозревателя> Общие TAB (TOOLS > OPTIONS > GENERAL TAB) и отключите эту опцию.
—- Можете ли вы открыть веб-страницы? Если это так, то вы можете просто неправильно ввели адрес почтового сервер на свой счет или сервер именно сейчас может быть недоступен.
—- Если вы не можете открыть веб-страницы, то разорвите интернет соединение и попробуйте подключиться снова
Ошибка 0x800ccc1a возникает на вашем компьютере одним из следующих способов: Произошла неизвестная ошибка. Пожалуйста, сохраните все существующие работы и перезапустите программу. (Учетная запись: «xxx», сервер POP3: «xxx. xxx. xxx»), номер ошибки: 0x800ccc1a, произошла неизвестная ошибка Пожалуйста, сохраните все существующие работы и перезапустите программу. (учетная запись: «xxx», SMTP-сервер: «»), номер ошибки: 0x800ccc1a
Это конкретное сообщение об ошибке указывает, что точная причина ошибки неизвестна, но относится к настройкам сервера, которые могут возникнуть в результате повреждения данных или отсутствия или неправильной настройки POP3 / SMTP. Некоторые из причин этой ошибки:
Как исправить ошибку 0x800ccc1a:
Переконфигурируйте шифрование SSL с помощью настроек номера порта
Исправление обновления ноября 2019:
Мы рекомендуем вам попробовать этот новый инструмент. Он исправляет множество компьютерных ошибок, а также защищает от таких вещей, как потеря файлов, вредоносное ПО, сбои оборудования и оптимизирует ваш компьютер для максимальной производительности. Это исправило наш компьютер быстрее, чем делать это вручную:
Восстановите файл Outlook PST с помощью MS Outlook Inbox Repair Tool
Изменить порт
Использование средства проверки системных файлов Windows
CCNA, веб-разработчик, ПК для устранения неполадок
Я компьютерный энтузиаст и практикующий ИТ-специалист. У меня за плечами многолетний опыт работы в области компьютерного программирования, устранения неисправностей и ремонта оборудования. Я специализируюсь на веб-разработке и дизайне баз данных. У меня также есть сертификат CCNA для проектирования сетей и устранения неполадок.
Начинающие пользователи популярного почтового приложения Outlook Express после создания первой учетной записи нередко жалуются на невозможность скачивания с сервера накопленной корреспонденции.
К примеру, при попытке выполнить данную операцию в ряде случаев пользователь получает неожиданное сообщение о возникновении ошибки 0x800CCC0D, текстовое содержание которого, как правило, не проясняет ситуацию.
Обычно это сообщение имеет следующий вид:
«Не удалось найти узел POP. mail. Проверьте правильность введенного имени сервера. Код ошибки: 0x800CCC0D».
Существует довольно действенный способ устранения данной проблемы:
Для начала открываем пункт меню «Сервис» и переходим в раздел «Учетные записи». Выделяем необходимую учетную запись, нажимаем на кнопку «Свойства» и переходим во вкладку «Серверы». Здесь важно проверить, чтобы для «Входящей почты» (POP3) был указан правильный сервер. После этого, для сохранения всех изменений, последовательно нажимаем на кнопки «Применить» и «OK».
Вышеописанные действия, как правило, позволяют эффективно бороться с возникновением ошибки 0x800CCC0D, после чего Outlook Express начнет успешно скачивать всю почту из вашего аккаунта в папку «Входящие».
Буду описывать здесь процесс выполнения различных работ.
воскресенье, 25 ноября 2012 г.
Ошибка Outlook. Ошибка сокета 11001. Код ошибки 0x800CCC0D.
1. Когда забирал почту с почтового ящика произошла ошибка:
Ошибка Outlook. Ошибка сокета 11001. Код ошибки 0x800CCC0D. |
3. Анализ ошибки сокета: 11001
3.1 . Документ " Коды ошибок TCP/IP" на русском языке описывает эту ошибку следующим образом :
—- Эта ошибка может появиться, если у вас есть опция ‘уведомьте меня, если есть какие-нибудь новые группы новостей’ выбран, но не имеете созданной учетной записи новостей. Зайдите в меню Сервис> Свойства обозревателя> Общие TAB (TOOLS > OPTIONS > GENERAL TAB) и отключите эту опцию.
—- Можете ли вы открыть веб-страницы? Если это так, то вы можете просто неправильно ввели адрес почтового сервер на свой счет или сервер именно сейчас может быть недоступен.
—- Если вы не можете открыть веб-страницы, то разорвите интернет соединение и попробуйте подключиться снова
Ошибка 0x800ccc1a возникает на вашем компьютере одним из следующих способов: Произошла неизвестная ошибка. Пожалуйста, сохраните все существующие работы и перезапустите программу. (Учетная запись: «xxx», сервер POP3: «xxx. xxx. xxx»), номер ошибки: 0x800ccc1a, произошла неизвестная ошибка Пожалуйста, сохраните все существующие работы и перезапустите программу. (учетная запись: «xxx», SMTP-сервер: «»), номер ошибки: 0x800ccc1a
Это конкретное сообщение об ошибке указывает, что точная причина ошибки неизвестна, но относится к настройкам сервера, которые могут возникнуть в результате повреждения данных или отсутствия или неправильной настройки POP3 / SMTP. Некоторые из причин этой ошибки:
Как исправить ошибку 0x800ccc1a:
Переконфигурируйте шифрование SSL с помощью настроек номера порта
Исправление обновления января 2020 года:
Мы рекомендуем вам попробовать этот новый инструмент. Он исправляет множество компьютерных ошибок, а также защищает от таких вещей, как потеря файлов, вредоносное ПО, сбои оборудования и оптимизирует ваш компьютер для максимальной производительности. Это исправило наш компьютер быстрее, чем делать это вручную:
Восстановите файл Outlook PST с помощью MS Outlook Inbox Repair Tool
Изменить порт
Использование средства проверки системных файлов Windows
CCNA, веб-разработчик, ПК для устранения неполадок
Я компьютерный энтузиаст и практикующий ИТ-специалист. У меня за плечами многолетний опыт работы в области компьютерного программирования, устранения неисправностей и ремонта оборудования. Я специализируюсь на веб-разработке и дизайне баз данных. У меня также есть сертификат CCNA для проектирования сетей и устранения неполадок.
Outlook error 0x800ccc0d – how do I fix it?
I am unable to get my e-mail from outlook express – I keep getting this error: 0x800ccc0d. What does it mean, and what do I do about it?
Outlook and Outlook Express both report that error number when they can’t find or connect to your mail server.
Understanding what’s happening is fairly easy. Fixing requires some additional information.
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I’ll focus here on Outlook Express, but similar steps are appropriate for Outlook as well.
Typically you’ll see an error message much like this:
Unfortunately, many people seem to fixate on the error number at the end – 0x800ccc0d. While that can be useful, and it’s easy to search on, they’re missing all the additional information that Outlook is providing in the error. Specifically, this:
The host ‘wrongmailserver. com’ could not be found.
That’s a big clue as to what’s going on. Your email account is configured to retrieve email from the server ‘wrongmailserver. com’ (a fictitious server I made up for this example), and Outlook Express cannot connect to that mail server.
Step one? Make sure you can connect to anything else on the internet – any web page will do. Error 0x800ccc0d can occur because you’re not connected to the internet at all, and visiting any random web page simply verifies that your internet connection is working.
If your internet connection is not working, that has nothing to do with Outlook, Outlook Express or error 0x800ccc0d. Your mail failure is just one symptom of not being connected to the internet.
If you are connected, step 2 is to validate your Outlook Express account configuration. Specifically, if you click on the Tools menu in Outlook Express, then click on the Accounts menu item, and then in the resulting dialog box click on the Mail tab, you should see something like this:
If you have more than one account, you may see multiple items in the list. Click on the one with which you are having trouble and click on Properties. In the resulting dialog box, click on the Servers tab and you should see something like this:
Note the arrows pointing at the two instances of the mail servers you would be using: one for POP3 (incoming email) and one for SMTP (outgoing email).
If the Incoming Mail (POP3): setting is wrong, then error 0x800ccc0d can result. In fact, the error message you got originally, “The host ‘wrongmailserver. com’ could not be found.” is telling you that the mail server specified here could not be contacted.
I can’t tell you what this setting should be, because it varies from ISP to ISP. What I use is different from what you use. So, you’ll need to double check the information you were given from your ISP to see what they said your mail server name should be. Make sure you’ve entered that exactly. In fact, it probably makes sense to double check your entire configuration while you’re here.
It’s also possible that your mail server may simply be down – the ISP could be having trouble, for example, or the ISP could have changed mail servers. You’ll need to contact your ISP to determine if this is the case, and whether or not they have an alternative mail server you can use, or how long you might need to wait for things to be fixed.
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50 comments on “Outlook error 0x800ccc0d – how do I fix it?”
I see the same error message about once a month. My POP servers are correct and I just reboot to fix this problem. I’ve always wondered why I have to resort to this procedure but it works.
I was getting this error almost daily and tech after tech at my ISP couldn’t figure out why. A few of their suggestions would have been hilarious if I wasn’t paying for a supposedly good service. Eventually, a supervisor figured out that as an anti-spammer measure, they count total numbers of recipients for the e-mails I send per day. Because I am in a private e-mail discussion group of 17 people and some days we post a lot back and forth, I was exceeding the limit and they were automatically suspending my sending of e-mails for a while. They agreed I’m not a spammer and raised my limit and the problem hasn’t happened since. Their default limit was 250 recipients per day, but now I’m allowed 5000, which I’ll never come close to. ZoneAlarm makes sure my system won’t send messages to more than 30 people at a time, so even if my computer were infected (despite my firewall, AV programme, etc), the new limit won’t be taken advantage of for spam. I don’t know how many ISPs have that kind of daily limit, but no doubt some do. If others keep getting that error, it’s something to ask tech support about, although if they’re like my ISP, you may need to deal with a higher level tech or supervisor.
i have encountered this error and ihave done all troubleshooting regarding server settings and account infor mation but still i have the same error. then i have experimentally turn off the antivirus and my outlook express works.
This error can arise because the automatic updating system of your antivirus has reallocated port 110 &/or port 25 to its own server. In this case you will get an error message mentioning the antivirus maker’s server. Solution in this case may be to uninstall the antivirus and try a different one. I had this problem with AVG Professional, unfortunately after I uninstalled it the 110 error problem was still there because the registry settings had been changed by the antivirus programme. However my email did still work even though I had the error code 2/3 times a day. It is possible that your antivirus supplier could help you if they are prepared to admit there is a problem. Otherwise uninstall Outlook Express and reinstall it.
I installed Outlook Express 2000 on Windows Vista. Unfortunately, I typed the wrong name under the outgoing server (extra character). I went to properties for that account, changed it, but when I hit send receive, it is still looking for the first, erroneous name. I then removed the account completely, got out of Outlook, re-opened, recreated the account from scrath, but I hit send and there it goes giving me the 0x800ccc0d error because it still “remembers” the wrong name I entered originally, even though the account was deleted. Thanks for your help.
Thank you, Thank you. I was just about to reinstall Windows. I could not retrieve my MSN email. If anybody is having trouble the new servers are POP3.LIVE. COM & SMTP. LIVE. COM
These servers replace the old POP3.email. msn. com
I’m glad I’ve found Leo… thanx again
Great comment!
Would you agree then, that if this error occurred in my computer after the ISP Server has changed its settings, their settings might be just not right? Our network recently changed to having proxy-settings and automatic IP-Addresses and using a server machine. Would you be able to tell those nosebears how to configure port liberation in a way that allows me to use it? They say they liberated ports 110 (Pop) and 25 (SMTP), however, it does not help. 11004 continues. By the way, spybot also cannot download updates anymore, naming 11004 too.
I have this error because I entered the pop details incorrectly. Every time I try to open Outlook express I get this message and then outlook freezes so I am not able to correct my error. Is there any way to alter the pop information I have entered without opening outlook express?
See my commet above. Yes, it was the ISP server, they had not correctly configured access (gatway!) by DHCP. Your comment “simply a failure to connect” helped a whole lot, because it made me go on and on with the server people, and after three weeks they finally reconfigured, and now it is fine. Thank you!
i am running a shared wireless network, host pc running xp with laptop running vista can receive emails on laptop cannot send emails via laptop
keep getting error message 0x800ccc0d are they incompatible
Hash: SHA1
PLEASE read the article. You probably simply have your mail
program on your laptop misconfigured.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
I have worked with Outlook Express alot, and also with the newer version called windows mail on the Vista Operation system. I have found that when you use certain kinds of virus scan programs such as (Norton) that the program likes to change settings for you wether you want it to or not. When this happens, disable the program and if that fixes it, then you have found the problem. Now you might want to disable the spam filter or other part of that program that is the problem. In my experience with it, usually if I have the virus scan set up to ONLY scan for virus’s, then it will be ok.
I have spent at least three hours with Comcast tech people. I no longer can get Comcast to connect with my Outlook Express 6. My problem is with my wifes computer which is Intel (R) Pentium (R) 4 CPU 2.66 GHZ, process ore speed 2.60 Ghz, Ram 512 MB, Windows XP Home, opeerating system version5.1.2600 which is automatical set to download Microsoft info. HOWEVER – this computer has been used in a little bit different ways as far as Outlook Express. At one time it contain over 3000 emails in the inbound box and pbly should not even worked. All of a sudden it quit connecting. Comcast suggest I take a portion of the 3000 emails and put them in a new file, I did. Shortly after that the 1700 emails in the in box completely disappeared. Now there should be no reason that it should not connect with Comcast. Instead all the emails seem to be going into the Comcast Web mail. This email is very confusing and difficult for my wife to operate and wants to get Outlook Express going again. I have looked at a bunch of cure-all programs and they seem to confuse me more. Is there another email program much like OE that you would suggest converting to. You have helped me before and I do keep fwdg you new letter of many of my email friends. Hope they get started with you. Thanks again. Bud M
Most of the problems in outlook and outlook express are resolved by merely restarting the computer.
Outlook error 0x800ccc0d……this error generally occurs becuase the internet is not connected
Outlook Error 0x800ccc0d – My Norton 360 Premier Edition has blocked the access to the internet.
How to fix it:
-Open Norton
-Firewall Protection
-Firewall Program Rules
-In Outlokk Access : set Custom
Then it will be ok
After a lot of internet searching, I ran Registry Mechanic (free) and that solved my problem. McAfee online support wasn’t any help.
I can’t receive email. I keep getting a similiar message to the one above except it’s:
The host ‘incomming. verizon. net’ could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: ‘incomming. verizon. net’, Server: ‘incomming. verizon. net’, Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 11004, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
It started after I switched over to Verizon for my internet. It happened on my Grandmother’s computer and she had to use Verizon webmail for a while until it was resolved.
Thanks for your response,
This error message means that Outlook Express can not find host/can not locate server.
a. Go to Tools–Options–General Tab and untick this option.
b. Check your SMTP settings is correct or not.
c. Make sure your network does work properly. Check DNS numbers, remove and then reinstall TCP/IP in Control Panel-Network.
I can’t receive email. I keep getting a similiar message to the one above except it’s:
The host ‘pop. everyone. net’ could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: ‘pop. everyone. net’, Server:pop. everyone. net’, Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11004, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
i am trying to respond to an add on craislist and am receiving ” the host smpt could not be found please verify you have entered server nae correctly” please help
yerr outlook express is a nightmare i had the same problem + i went over to see if my mate could help, + it just soo happened that he had the same problem…. siyyyyyeee, i mean were no geniuses but were not daft ither, it realy should’nt be this hard just to send an e-mail.
Hi There
I have three email accounts in Outlook Express.
All three from different ISP’s
Two work perfectly fine, this post is reference the non-working one.
The email address ****@emailmax. co. uk
For some unknown reason the pop3. and the smtp setting do not now work hence the error code:-
The host ‘mail. mailmax. co. uk’ could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: ‘pop3.mailmax. co. uk’, Server: ‘mail. mailmax. co. uk’, Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 11004, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
I have tried all sorts of variables.
I can actually access my email from their ISP https://www. outitgoes. com but this is where I come unstuck all the time there is no “contact us” facility, just enter “email address” and “password”
So I am going round and round in circles.
Any help would be much appreciated
POP3 setting is right though same message arise. please guide me for the same.
My ISP verified that the mail server is up, and that I have the correct name. What’s the next step?
I have been 3 weeks and tried everything, including an hour on the phone to sky. help before I go mad……All my settings are correct pop 3 is set to 995 etc and checked, checked and double checked. I can only get my emails from the sjy website. It has worked fine for over two years. I ge this message.
The host ‘pop. tools. sky. com’ could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: ‘pop. tools. sky. com’, Server: ‘pop. tools. sky. com’, Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11004, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
i am having problems with my outlook express email the same 0x800ccc0d comes up. do i put at the pop. joe@att. net or just pop. att. net example. i cant even get the webmail to work now.
I am trying to help my brother he cannot send or receive e-mail. He is using oe 6 and running XP. this is the error that keeps coming up.
The host ‘pop3.att. yahoo. com’ could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: ‘my mail’, Server: ‘pop3.att. yahoo. com’, Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 11004, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
It is now possible to access mail using an email program using the IMAP protocol. It would be necessary to get the correct settings from the Yahoo website.
Concerning Outlook Express in general, it is known to have many problems that will not be resolved because Microsoft has
discontinued all support for it. We now recommend that you
move to a different email program.
I’d strongly suggest you read this article for more
https://ask-leo. com/why_outlook_express_must_die. html
All the existing articles on Ask Leo! about Outlook
Express can be found here:
https://ask-leo. com/outlook_express. html
I don’t understand having to have the paid version, I have the free version for a very long time and I use outlook express. Thanks Don
How do I fix this error, I have went through my account and checked all enentries to make sure they were right but I still get this error message.
The host ‘pop gmail. com’ could not be found.
Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly.
Account: ‘pop gmail. com’, Server: ‘pop gmail. com’, Protocol:
POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL):
Yes, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
I am unable to send mail from MSoutlook & same going through Outlook express.
I have check all setting are same in both (MSoutlook & Outlookexpress ) still unable to send mails.
Check firewall setting — Disable it
Check Antivirus setting — Disable it
Check ISP setting — Our 25 port is not blocked.
Check domain setting – Thier webservicess working fine.
Still i am face problem while sending mail thru MSoutlook only. Outlook express working fine.
Hi kindly note my Office Outlook 2003&2007 & Otlook Express with Windows XP OS can receive & download all my acconts (9 Account) but can not transmit evean one please help me to solve my problem that is very importan. I’m waiting fo receive help soonestBest Regards.
Sadr – Tehran Iran
Hi kindly note my Office Outlook 2003&2007 & Otlook Express with Windows XP OS can receive & download all my acconts (9 Account) but can not transmit evean one just i see the error number note please help me to solve my problem that is very importan. I’m waiting fo receive help soonestBest Regards.
Sadr – Tehran Iran
sadr@post. com
More than likely you need to adjust your SMTP settings, which are the settings that send email. You can get the proper settings from your Internet provider. More in this article:
What about SMTP?
Hi Leo…0x800CCC08 – can’t find host. I ping’d the mail server and it is unable to find it aswell. We can access the internet, but no email capabilities.
ISP provider checked the DNS – everything is pointing correclty.
We have an internal firewall to our email (port is 25, incoming 110) We can’t get anything out or in?
I think I have tried everything and still get the error and also this one 0x80070002. Can you help? I understand the ISP etc.
I had the problem.
I use Outlook 2007, and solved it by not defining a mail account of type Exchange/POP3/HTTP, but of type Other. Then I had the opportunity to select Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector.
After this, everything worked fine for me.
I used Outlook Express since 2002 on my Bellsouth, then ATT ISP. I had been using Dell with XP sp3 and a also later new little Asus with XP and office. Then when ATT attached to Yahoo all began to screw up. I know MS and ATT and Yahoo want me to get the most recent upgrades so they won’t have to support earlier versions. ATT did so far as to say that if I had a certain account before a certain date I could continue to use Outlook Express. But if after that, could not. (probably associated with att web mail, yahoo driven. How would I determine if i actually had the referenced account by such date? I simply want to be able to access my email by both webmail and OE. Eventually I might go to Gmail or other and also want to access thru OE. At best, I get good preceding steps (going by ATT email support page printed as of 12/20/2012) but error message Cannot Log onto incoming mail Server, crops up. Also several times MSOE Cannot Initialize may show up in subsequent step. Am so teed off at ATT may just change to Charter. I do not want to have to dive into Registry, Any help greatly appreciated.
but i m unable to use my mail. n getting below errors, plz let me know, how to solve this problem
The host ‘mail. vsnl. com’ could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: ‘mail. vsnl. com’, Server: ‘mail. vsnl. com’, Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
Anyone know how to fix this error…
The host ‘smtp. verizon. net’ could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly.
Subject ‘testing’, Account: ‘Karen Verizon’, Server: ‘smtp. verizon. net’, Protocol: SMTP, Port: 465, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
The host ‘pop. verizon. net’ could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly.
Account: ‘Karen Verizon’, Server: ‘pop. verizon. net’, Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
It’s being caused whenever the dell vpn is engaged.
Guys, I have the same message:-
Task ‘pop3.xtra. co. nz – Receiving’ reported error (0x800CCC0F) : ‘The connection to the server was interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).’
Spark told me it was because I am still running XP and its not supported I’m also running Outlook 2003 (New PC has arrived thankfully)
My goal is to bring my mail up to date on the old machine (Outlook) before transferring to the new machine.
I am still able to send mail from my account in Outlook, but cannot receive. (My webmail account works perfectly.)
Please advise.
Hi Leo, Are you still monitoring this site? I popped a question on April 10, 2017, but havent seen a reply.
I do, but I can’t respond to every question I get – just too many. What was it about?
The post I wrote is below. If you are able to help it would be appreciated.
“Guys, I have the same message:-
Task ‘pop3.xtra. co. nz – Receiving’ reported error (0x800CCC0F) : ‘The connection to the server was interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).’
Spark told me it was because I am still running XP and its not supported I’m also running Outlook 2003 (New PC has arrived thankfully)
My goal is to bring my mail up to date on the old machine (Outlook) before transferring to the new machine.
I am still able to send mail from my account in Outlook, but cannot receive. (My webmail account works perfectly.)
Please advise.”
I have tried several times but found that my outlook is not working when I connect my pc through JIO network although all other application works while I am connected with JIO. I went to JIO Center for solution with after working about an hour they also found that there are some certification, setting or any other issue with OUTLOOK setting or Firewall setting for JIO network. as except outlook I can use all other function of internet with JIO.
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